
3 Ways to Lighten the Load of Your Child’s Backpack

Backpack Safety Tips Does your child's backpack feel like a 50-pound bag of rocks? You may have noticed that your child struggles to get it on in the morning or may even need help to pull the straps together enough to click the buckle. What’s more, researchers and healthcare organizations are growing more concerned about the effects of this extra weight on your child's developing spine. Backpack Safety Stats It's estimated that over 60% of children routinely carry backpacks that...

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3 Keys to Developing a Healthy Spine

A healthy spine means a lot more than just not having back pain or neck pain.  It also means more than not having scoliosis, arthritis, or disc problems.  Developing a healthy spine begins by understanding the three keys of strength, flexibility, and posture. Strength, flexibility, and improving your posture will go a long way towards reducing pain and improving your spine's function. Your spine is made up of bones (vertebrae), and spinal discs that separate each bone. If you look...

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