
The Most Common Injuries After a Car Accident

Car Accident Injuries Whether you’re driving to work or taking a big family vacation, an unexpected car accident can cause painful car accident injuries that may impact you for months and years to come. The weight of your vehicle combined with your speed can create a tremendous amount of force. During an accident, much of that force gets transferred directly to your body.  Even "low speed" collisions can create enough force to cause serious injuries. Seat belts save millions of...

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What You Need to Know About Delayed Pain After a Car Accident

Car Accident Pain If you can walk away after a car accident without any catastrophic injuries, you should consider yourself lucky! But even if you feel ok after exchanging information and speaking with the police, it’s always a good idea to see a Chiropractor following an auto accident. With your adrenaline pumping in the aftermath, your brain may not immediately register the pain signals coming from your body. After you’ve had some time to calm down, you may begin to...

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Whiplash: How These Injuries Cause Chronic Pain

Whiplash injuries used to be considered "no big deal', but times have changed. Doctors now know that whiplash can cause lifelong pain and disability if not treated properly. During a car accident, the head often suddenly moves forward and backward with a tremendous amount of force. Even low-speed collisions can generate enough force to injure the delicate ligaments in your neck that support your head. When you experience a whiplash injury, your head and neck extend beyond their normal range...

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Getting Older Doesn’t Mean Slowing Down

Staying healthy as you age isn't just about adding more years to your life. It's also about adding more life to your years!  Daily physical activity and exercise can help ensure that you maintain a high quality of life as you get older, as well as help you reduce aches and pains and improve your mental attitude by giving your body a needed endorphin rush. Everybody has heard the phrase "move it or lose it." Time marches on, but getting...

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Top Causes of Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Over 90% of us will deal with low back pain at some point in our lifetime. The question is why? What causes most of us to deal with lower back pain? How we move our body, previous injuries, and the habits we do (or don't do) each day can play a huge role in either increasing or decreasing your risk of an aching back.  While there are many factors that contribute to lower back pain, the top...

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After An Accident: How to Get Your Life Back

Car Accident Recovery: Getting Your Life Back Car accidents can be one of the scariest experiences of your life. In an instant, your life can change, and it can be difficult both physically and emotionally to get back to normal. Fortunately, many doctors are well-educated in spinal injuries and the best treatment methods available to you in your car accident recovery. After any necessary hospital or urgent care exam, Chiropractors are often the first healthcare professional the majority of people...

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Organic Healthcare: No Prescription Necessary

Chiropractic and Natural Medicine The term Chiropractic comes from the Greek words cheir (hands) and praxis (practice). It literally means "done by hand." Modern Chiropractic began way back in 1895, but many people still don’t exactly understand how Chiropractic care works... or when it may be the best time to see a Chiropractor. Since the beginning, Chiropractors have been focused on helping the body heal itself naturally without the dangers and risks of drugs or surgery. In some ways, Chiropractors...

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Is There a Perfect Posture?

Perfect Posture? "Sit up straight and stop slouching!" You've likely heard this since childhood, but is there such a thing as perfect posture? The answer is a bit complicated. The latest research shows that it may be more important to think about a "balanced" or "dynamic" posture than perfect posture, and we're also discovering that our ability to change positions and move may be more critical than our static position while standing or sitting. Balanced or Dynamic Posture Your posture...

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What Type of Headache Do You Have?

Headache Types Headaches are experienced a little bit differently by everyone. You may feel tired, have blurred vision, a stiff neck, or feel as if you’re unable to function for the day. But they do all have one thing in common - they are not "normal" to deal with frequently. There are many different types of headaches, and knowing which one you have is the first step towards finding relief. Here are a few of the most common headache types:...

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Neuropathy: A Real Pain

Peripheral Neuropathy Neuropathy is a term that is broken up into two parts: neuro, which means nerve, and "path" or "pathy" which means disease or disease process. So simply stated, neuropathy is just a diseased nerve or nerves. This can be a debilitating, progressive, and sometimes even permanent condition if not taken care of properly. Most of the time the symptoms include pain, numbness, tingling, pins and needles, and sometimes shock like sensations or insensitivity to hot or cold. Neuropathies...

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