
How to Find Relief and Move Better

Flexibility and Freedom of Movement

You don’t have to live in pain! Researchers have discovered that abnormal motion patterns are one of the leading causes of those chronic aches and pains. As a result, leading healthcare organizations now recommend spinal adjustments as one of the most “evidence-based” care options for natural pain relief.

When you focus on supporting the structure and function of your spine and body overall, you can achieve your healthiest self. Gentle chiropractic adjustments to your spine to restore normal motion patterns can help to relieve pain, improve your range of motion, and positively influence your nervous system to improve your overall function.

Along with other holistic health strategies, such as whole food nutrition, exercise, supplements, etc., getting regular chiropractic adjustments can have a powerful effect on your wellness.

  • Chiropractic care is focused on the structure and function of your body, spine, and nervous system.
  • The American College of Physicians recommends spinal adjustments as an alternative to risky and often addictive pain medicines.
  • Spinal adjustments work for you by stopping pain signals being sent to your brain, improving the range of motion of your joints, and positively influencing your nervous system.

Next Steps for Pain Relief and Flexibility

Some of the more common issues we help people with are headaches, low back pain, neck pain, spinal disc issues, TMJ pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, and neuropathy. Spinal adjustments can be extremely effective at helping you find quick relief from pain plus some positive “side effects” that may include increased energy, improved sleep, and better overall performance. When combined with deep-tissue laser therapy and prescribed stabilizing exercises, the results can be rapid and long-lasting.

Kent Owens, DC

Science Source(s):

Chiropractic Care for Pain Relief. Harvard Health. 2018.

The mechanism of back pain relief by spinal manipulation relies on decreased temporal summation of pain. Neuroscience. 2017.